Friday, April 13, 2012

Cloud Computing – Good for business ?

Basic definition of cloud computing is the use of the Internet for the tasks performed by the computers and communication gadgets such as desktop, lap tops, tablet pc and the smart phones. It is an Internet-based network model that enables on-demand access to a shared pool of computing resources such as networks, servers, storage, applications and services provided by a third party. Cloud Computing is a Service by using the network.The cloud computing service can be public, private or virtual private. The public service refers to service open to all users subscribing to the service provider, private refers to dedicated to one subscriber and virtual private means usage of public service but dedicated to one particular subscriber or certain groups of subscriber for their own organization purpose only.
The simplest thing that a computer does is allow the storage and retrieval of information. Computer user may store photos, videos, spread sheet and power point presentation materials. Software for spread sheet, AutoCAD, business related software such as ERP, SAP and MIS is kept in the computer or the server computer memory space. Maintenance and updating of the software and hardware for the computer system usually demands skilled computer personnel for computer maintenance and substantial amount of money to purchase the hardware and software replacement or upgrading. There is company who kept a huge amount of data and always need to expand their memory space as time pass by. Huge size and high quality data storage is expensive. Software vendors periodically upgrade their software and no more supporting the older version after some period of time. Software user left with no choice, they have to follow the software version up and pay the price. The above are some of the issues faced by IT user and owner.
Looking into cloud computing which is offering computing needs such as storing of information, photos, videos and software by using the network or internet. Computer user can get at the same information and perform the same tasks whether they are at workplace, at home or anywhere with internet connection. This method of software and hardware systems operation provides several advantages including potential cost savings for many businesses. This will frees us up the storage size at the computer and no software upgrade need to be purchased. This is  due to accessing  the cloud network is pay per use base and not need to own the hardware and software.
There are a list of challenges faced using the cloud computing such as data privacy security, reliability of the cloud system and the software offered by the service provider. As example one provider such as Google will provide software of their own interest and do not offer their competitor’s software. Similarly cloud provider offering Adobe Acrobat will not work with Microsoft Word causing interoperability of application issues. This will limit the user flexibility to use whatever software at their own liberty for achieving their best efficiency.  The incident faced by Amazon cloud outage causing the offline of website such as Qurora, and Foursquare prove the reliability issue is a challenge and could stops a business operation.
The decision to embrace cloud computing requires further analysis to evaluate the risk base on the organization or the business needs. The organization or business must have mitigation strategy to face the known or potential problems due to the cloud computing to continue in business.

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