Sunday, April 8, 2012

My simple IT Dream for HALAL Logo

HALAL Logo has been one of the hot issue recently in Malaysia. JAKIM top personnel urge especially restaurateur, food outlets, all companies in the food and food processing business to get the genuine HALAL certificate from JAKIM or JAKIM recognised certification bodies. There is many logos published in the media, at the food outlets and at the packaging itself. How could consumer understand that the logos are genuine, the products and the food outlets are in the recognised HALAL list?

How could IT assist on this specific issue.
Presently hand-phones are becoming household items and almost every family members carry it. My dream is the hand-phones should be able to confirm the food outlets or the products by using the HALAL certified number and SMS it to a number provided by JAKIM. The simple information sent back to the hand-phone should be able to clear the doubt of the consumer side.

Secondly, smart phones are now becoming popular, websites browsing and streaming is every day routine for most of Malaysian nowadays. QR codes attached to the certificate and the HALAL logo will make the consumer easily scan the QR code and within seconds will get the information of the outlets or the food stuff HALAL status.

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