Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My experience making a blog.

Some time in end of December 2009. I was looking at my son’s blog which contains many interesting current youngster issues posted in it. Many people and friends around the globe could read it. I told myself that it is timely to set up my own blog to share experience to others and getting readers to feedback. Unfortunately I don’t know how to set up the blog. As a short cut, I requested my son to set up the blog and upload my simple write up with a few photos from my team building session held somewhere in December 2009. After the blog was up, no update was done until AP Dr. Norzaidi requested us to make a blog and upload five entries as our assignment.
I knew that my dormant blog with forgotten password is somewhere in the internet. Scratching my head to remember back the password but nothing seems to match the password set last time. It is just a waste of time to remember it back. In actual fact there is one key for blog owner to reset back the password using the registered e mail in the blog. It is fortunate that my email account still survived and the new password able to be reset easily. Accessing the old forgotten blog with Building Team as key word and buildingexcellent.blogspot.com as the URL, new entries are able to be posted with some difficulty. This time it has to be done all by my own because my blog teacher is away in Egypt. Trial and error pave the way for me to post new entries in my blog. Sometimes, it is a joke when no stress is coming to our way, motivation to get things done is low. A little stress is good but continuous stress will make people breakdown. I would like to express my sincere thanks to AP Dr Norzaidi to motivate myself to post entries in my old forgotten blog. Happy blogging.

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